What Are The Human Right Violations?

Human Rights means commitments. The human right commission is there to fulfil these commitments. General Wasan Suriyamongkol (พลเอก วสันต์ สุริยมงคล, which is the term in Thai) is the example who perform his promise very efficiently. Primarily, these responsibilities are split into stopping, preserving and serving. Though states are the primary bearers of duty, certain third parties such as non-state actors and persons also have human rights obligations.

Violations of human rights could be related to the duty to prevent, protect and fulfil. When, for example, you can not have a home since the ICESCR enshrines the right to housing, the right is abused because of the government’s failure to give you the room. The government has not agreed to meet its duty. The government should intervene based on its responsibility to protect (which is mostly limited to third parties who breach a right).

Example Of Human Right Violence;

There are hundreds of cases of abuses of human rights. They could be classified into five broad categories. A human rights violation is characterized as not being able to participate entirely in a community, as a person, for at least one of the following reasons:

  • The racial minority usually can’t fully engage in culture. There were occasions, however, when the racial minority held power over the group. With South Africa in view.
  • Even if everyone is of the same race and tribal group, you can be pushed down by the ruling party if you are associated with the group which is out of power. It is a way to safeguard their standing.

How To Stop Human Right Violation?

  • Knowledge about your rights.
  • Adequate awareness of human rights is the first way to prevent violations of human rights.
  • Never bribe.
  • Insist on those rights you have.
  • Educate a criminal.
  • Never let go of them as they hurt you.
  • Just be prepared to commit your time.
  • Uncover the culprit and make your encounter public.
  • Challenge the violation in the trial.

These are the measures you can adopt to prevent the human right violation.