How To Take Care Of Your Fruit-Bearing Trees and Plants During The Summer

Not everyone has the gift of a green thumb. But as various organizations — government-affiliated or not — are promoting agriculture and sustainable living, many households are getting plants and trees from their trusted plant nursery, Lindale, Texas to grow and consume their own straight from their yards and gardens.

When the summer season kicks in, the Earth experiences longer days and hotter temperatures — a condition in which most fruit-bearing trees and plants are in their most active growing capacity. Hence, it’s vital to know how to take advantage of this season for your plants’ benefit. Here are six tips to help you out.

Inspect often. No matter what the season is, this is one habit that every plant-owner should do: regular inspection and check-up. From the bark and branches to the leaves and developing fruits, you should look for any signs of pests and diseases. Early detection will prevent your plants from suffering more damage. Contact your nursery to which organic controls are needed to address the problem.

Water them adequately. The general rule of thumb is that it’s better to water deeply infrequently than to do so shallowly and more frequently. If you overwater, it will cause defoliation and turn your leaves into yellow. If you underwater, on the other hand, defoliation will also occur apart from having curled leaves. As a tip from a plant nursery, Lindale, Texas, water only every two to three weeks if you have clay soil. If you have sandy soil, water every one to two weeks. Watch out for weather forecasts as well because when there are summer rains, you’d have to water less frequently.

Mulch and fertilize. To help control weeds and produce better results, gardeners and arborists recommend using organic mulch. A two- to three-inch layer of mulch should be spread over the root zone, a few inches away from the trunk. If your plant needs some more help for growing, adding an organic compost at the base of young fruit trees is advised. For older fruit-bearing trees, the compost should be added at the drip line.

Use shade as needed. There are specific plants that prefer shade rather than summer heat, like blueberries, beans, and green leafy vegetables. If you’re growing these, use a black landscape fabric supported by a temporary structure. This should be positioned in a way that the plants are shaded only in the afternoon.

Do summer pruning. Regular pruning is needed for trees to live longer. Its end goal is to remove dead and diseased limbs before they damage other parts of your plants. By doing some summer pruning, you can enhance the light exposure of young fruit trees while encouraging sturdier branch development. However, there are things you must know before pruning: it shouldn’t be done if the there is a potential rain coming; and, it should be done lightly as heavy pruning is allotted during early spring and winter

Spread the branches. If you are to ask a plant nursery, Lindale, Texas for best growing practices during summer, spreading branches is definitely somewhere in their list. Especially for young fruit-bearing trees, this activity will promote branch growth and prevent crotch angels. Trees with wide-angle branch arrangements are considered to be typically stronger.

Bob Wells Nursery is a top-class plant nursery, Lindale, Texas. We are your #1 source for fruit and nut trees. Contact us today for more information.

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